Colorado Lottery Reaches GOCO Cap Early; GOCO to Receive Nearly $72 Million in Proceeds Funding

Colorado Lottery Recognizes Excellence in the Use of Lottery Funds Across the State with 2021 Starburst Award Winners

Keep It Colorado recibe fondos de Great Outdoors Colorado para brindar asistencia con los costos de transacción a los fideicomisos y propietarios de tierras

Funding from Great Outdoors Colorado and Colorado Water Conservation Board advances private lands conservation planning

GOCO board awards $4.6 million to 21 projects in final round of Resilient Communities program

GOCO board commits $8.2 million in funding through Resilient Communities, Generation Wild, Fellowship, and RESTORE programs

GOCO board launches Fellowship program with three inaugural grants totaling $560,455

GOCO board commits $16.4 million in funding to support Generation Wild communities and conservation service corps projects

GOCO board commits $15.4 million to Generation Wild coalitions for statewide youth-and-outdoors movement

GOCO board awards $990K for 27 conservation service corps projects to improve public lands and employ youth