Every year half of GOCO’s funding is invested through Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) for their conservation, recreation, and wildlife management efforts. The state agency cares for our state’s diverse wildlife, maintains 42 state parks across Colorado, and provides many outdoor recreation opportunities. 

Like GOCO, CPW does not receive any tax dollars. GOCO funding and other Colorado Lottery proceeds provide around 15% of CPW’s budget. Funds are allocated through an annual investment proposal approved by the GOCO board. This funding supports various programs, from new trails and park amenities to maintaining park infrastructure, removing invasive plants and reducing fire hazards, enhancing wildlife habitats, supporting native and threatened species, and inspiring people to love the outdoors through education and programs. 

In addition, GOCO offers the CPW Director’s Innovation Fund, a competitive grant program for CPW staff to apply directly for funding to support their project ideas. 

Annual Reports of GOCO Investments

These recent annual reports showcase how CPW put GOCO funding to work for Colorado’s state parks, wildlife, and recreation.

2022-23 Annual Report

Director’s Innovation Fund

Grant Opportunity: CPW Director’s Innovation Fund

Open to CPW staff only, the DIF grant program supports creative, impactful projects not typically funded through GOCO or other sources.

Learn More

Colorado’s Outdoors Strategy

CPW, the Colorado Department of Natural Resources (DNR), GOCO, and the Colorado Governor’s Office are stewarding an effort to create a statewide vision and action plan for conservation, recreation, and climate resilience that will guide Colorado into the future. The strategy is being developed collaboratively with representatives from local and state governments, conservation nonprofits, regional partnerships, recreation interests, Tribal Nations, and federal agencies—with support from a consultant team. 

Learn more