Since 1992, GOCO has been investing a portion of Colorado Lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance the state’s parks, trails, wildlife, rivers, and open spaces.
Our independent board awards competitive grants to local governments and land trusts and makes investments through Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Created by voters, GOCO has committed more than $1.4 billion in Lottery proceeds to more than 5,800 projects in all 64 counties without a single dollar coming from taxpayers’ pockets.
Our Approach
GOCO has helped improve every county in Colorado, not that they needed much improvement.
If you’re lucky enough to live in Colorado, you know firsthand how great this state is. But like anything we value, it needs constant care. GOCO has the privilege of being a statewide organization that helps support conservation, recreation, and stewardship needs. We listen and respond, building a values-based program portfolio that matches the needs of outdoor organizations and their communities.
GOCO continues to be committed to advancing equity. We keep working to break down barriers to our funding while helping improve and expand outdoor opportunities for more people and communities to experience and enjoy.

Strategic Plan
Carrying a meaningful mission into a new era.
The 2020 strategic plan reflects the priorities of our partners and the needs of our state. It shares ideas for how we can support those outlined in our constitutional mission. To build this plan, we worked with hundreds of statewide partners and members of the public. With their input and lessons learned through our history, our vision took shape.
We know this new plan will continue to evolve as we learn right alongside you. Take a look at the values-based plan that promotes community vitality and supports once-in-a-generation opportunities.
Our Reach
“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” said your great-, great-, great-, great-grandkid.
The citizens committee that helped found GOCO back in the 1990s knew Colorado’s outdoor heritage belongs to all Coloradans, not just for today but for decades to come. They knew our wild places define what it means to live in this state. And they knew these places stood as the backbone of our economy. So they made a plan. And it’s working. Today, GOCO builds on their legacy to give future generations the same opportunities we love and appreciate.
projects funded
Trails. Parks. Playgrounds. Land protection. River restoration. Wildfire recovery. Youth programming. State parks. Wildlife programs. Every GOCO-funded project contributes to making our great outdoors protected, cared for, or more accessible.
acres conserved
When land is protected, so are its rivers and streams, scenic views, and wildlife habitat. Now, perhaps more than ever before, Colorado’s land and water face their greatest challenges due to development, natural disasters, climate change, and increased use.
Youth Program Participants
Through one GOCO program alone—Generation Wild, part of an incredible youth-and-outdoors movement—community-based coalitions have delivered 7,649 programs and 3,313 pathway opportunities to more than 270,068 participants.
If you love it you don’t leave its survival to chance.
Our Values

Resource Conservation
We value strategic land conservation and resource protection work.

Outdoor Stewardship
We support sustainability and improvements to the state’s natural and recreational resources.

Community Vitality
We invest in conservation and outdoor recreation efforts that support communities and quality of life.

Equitable Access
We partner with communities to break down barriers to the outdoors.

Youth Connections
We support projects and programs that help children and families get outside more often and experience all the benefits of doing so.