The Land Acquisition program supports urban and rural landscape, waterway, and habitat protection priorities and improves outdoor access. 


Eligible projects are fee-simple land acquisitions that provide public access. GOCO also considers conservation easements when tax credits are financially insufficient or impractical. 

Competitive projects consider opportunities for passive public recreation access; wildlife habitat and migration corridors; critical watersheds, waterways, and riparian ecosystems; scenic viewsheds and greenways; and open spaces, particularly those that serve disproportionately impacted communities.

Organizations eligible for GOCO funding include Colorado cities, towns, and counties; Title 32 special districts; land conservation organizations that advance the acquisition of open space; political subdivisions of the State of Colorado whose missions are to identify, manage, or acquire open space and natural areas; and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. 

Grant Awards 

Generally, up to $3 million per project. However, there is no maximum. GOCO loans may also be available to support acquisitions. GOCO may suggest a revised award amount, as needed.


  • Concept papers due: January 23, 2025*
  • Applications invited: February 6, 2025
  • Applications due: March 6, 2025
  • Grants awarded: June 12, 2025

*However, proposals for urgent land acquisitions will be accepted at any time. In this circumstance, contact your regional officer as soon as possible. 

Prepare to apply  

Ready to get started? 

Contact your regional officer today.