Faces of GOCO: Meet Diane Metzger

Diane joined the GOCO team in October 2021 as the communications manager.

Faces of GOCO: Meet Melissa Daruna

Melissa is the Executive Director at one of GOCO's great partner organizations, Keep It Colorado.

Faces of GOCO: Meet Chris Urias

Congrats to Chris Urias for joining The Trust for Public Land as a GOCO fellow this August!

Faces of GOCO: Meet Emily Spahn

Congrats to Emily Spahn for joining The Montezuma Land Conservancy as a GOCO fellow this August!

Faces of GOCO: Meet Jeresneyka Rose

Congrats to Jeresneyka Rose for joining The Trust for Public Land as a GOCO fellow this August!

Faces of GOCO: Meet Dan Omasta

Dan joined the GOCO Programs team (North Central Region) in Summer 2021.