Where Do You GOCO - March 2020 closed projects

In March, 10 projects closed, representing more than $985,000 in GOCO investments into local communities across the state

Where Do You GOCO - January and February 2020 closed projects

Between January and February, 5 projects closed, representing more than $2 million in GOCO investments into local communities across the state.

Where Do You GOCO- November and December 2019 closed projects

Between November and December, 13 projects closed, representing more than $3.8 million in GOCO investments into local communities across the state.

GOCO 2020 strategic plan listening tour

We’re pleased to announce dates and locations for our strategic plan listening tour!

GOCO Impact Story: For Trinidad, a dream of Fishers Peak becomes reality

One of my earliest memories is peeking out at what seemed to be the tallest mountain in the world, Fishers Peak, and believing that it was just a staircase to the skies.

Where Do You GOCO - October 2019 closed projects

In October, 11 projects closed, representing more than $1.9 million in GOCO investments into local communities across the state