Our grant programs are rooted in these values:
A values-based program portfolio.
GOCO proudly supports the people who champion Colorado’s outdoors. And we’ve been doing so since 1992. Today, our portfolio of competitive grant programs is streamlined to make access to funding easier. We’re helping our partners advance community-centered outdoor projects across the state. Urban. Suburban. Mountain. Rural. We’re there.

Resource Conservation
We value strategic land conservation and resource protection work.

Outdoor Stewardship
We support sustainability and improvements to the state’s natural and recreational resources.

Community Vitality
We invest in conservation and outdoor recreation efforts that support communities and quality of life.

Equitable Access
We partner with communities to break down barriers to the outdoors.

Youth Connections
We support projects and programs that help children and families get outside more often and experience all the benefits of doing so.
With 5,800 projects, we’re gonna need a bigger map.
We’re delighted to share a snapshot of the investments GOCO has made over the years. Navigate a map of our featured projects, and see the breakdown of all the work we’ve funded in your favorite Colorado county.