The Grant Program Portfolio

GOCO offers competitive grant programs for outdoor recreation, land conservation, and stewardship projects in Colorado. For a quick view of our 2024–2025 programs and their timelines, download a Grant Calendar.

Colorado municipalities, counties, and Title 32 special districts with parks and recreation authority are all eligible for GOCO grants. Nonprofit conservation organizations, political subdivisions of the state, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife are also eligible. In many cases, eligible entities may sponsor projects on behalf of ineligible entities. For example, a nonprofit land trust can partner with private landowners to conserve their land, or a city can apply for a grant on behalf of a school to build a playground.

Grant Calendar Grantmaking Philosophy Sign up for e-news

Land Acquisition

Land Acquisition Grants to support important landscape, waterway, habitat, and public access land protection priorities.

Community Impact

Community Impact Grants to develop and revitalize parks, trails, school yards, fairgrounds, environmental education facilities, and other outdoor projects that enhance a community’s quality of life and access to the outdoors.


Pathways Grants address pressing issues and opportunities through research and knowledge-building activities; data-gathering and analysis; development of tools and models; and expanding staff capacity.

RESTORE Colorado

RESTORE Colorado Grants to improve and restore Colorado’s rivers, wetlands, grasslands, forests, and other critical habitat.

Conservation Service Corps

Conservation Service Corps Grants employ conservation service corps crews, including young people and veterans, on projects like trail building, enhancing forest health, and eradicating invasive species.

Generation Wild

Generation Wild invests in diverse, local coalitions offering culturally relevant programs that provide youth and families with quality outdoor experiences as well as leadership and career opportunities.

Centennial Projects

Centennial projects are high-impact initiatives that will create lasting impacts on the state and future generations. 

CPW Director's Innovation Fund

The CPW Director’s Innovation Fund elevates unique projects by Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff that complement CPW’s and GOCO’s respective missions.

Transaction Cost Assistance Program

Administered by Keep It Colorado, TCAP helps nonprofit land trusts cover the costs associated with conservation easement transactions.