Faces of GOCO: Meet Crystal Medrano

Crystal joined the GOCO team in June 2021 as the Communications Associate. 

Faces of GOCO: Meet Josh Tenneson

Before joining the GOCO team, Josh Tenneson served as the Arapahoe County Open Spaces Grants & Acquisitions Manager for four years.

Faces of GOCO: Meet Eric Alexander

Before GOCO, I worked as a shoe salesman at the Cherry Creek Mall.

Faces of GOCO: Meet Victoria Nava-Watson

Before I came to GOCO, I was freelancing as a marketing strategist for several non-profit and civil rights organizations.

Faces of GOCO: Meet Tess Barton

Before joining GOCO, I worked as an audit associate for KPMG.

Faces of GOCO: Meet Alex Castino

I have always been interested in learning the law as a tool for accomplishing good.